Support our current projects

We are grateful for donations to our current projects. The association guarantees that the full amount of donations will be used for the corresponding purpose (please specify when making the transfer!). The Council will issue a corresponding donation receipt on request.

Regular Donation
Support our association in the realisation of its vision of sharing Naad Yoga with more people and creating a virtual and physical Temple of Sound! We are grateful for your regular support.

€6 per month  Friend of the Yogis
€10 per month  Part of the Adventure – Become a Member!
€24 per month  Pillar of the Temple – honorary membership after three years
€48 per month  Warrior of Sound – honorary membership after two years
€96 per month  Foundation of the Vision – honorary membership after one year


One-time Donation:
Freely chosen amount

Bank details:
Naad Yoga Council NYCD e.V.
IBAN: DE83 7315 0000 0040 7426 60

Sparkasse Günzburg-Krumbach
