Our Seal

Naad Yoga is not made for entertainment, it is made for inner-attainment.
Yogi of Sound

As an association, we assume responsibility for the quality assurance of all events held under our seal. With our seal we certify compliance with the following guidelines: 


Through the work with the techniques of Naad Yoga we strive for a holistic betterment of health and well-being as well as a helpful support and guidance for personal processes of growth and transformation.

Following the principles of Guru Nanak we meet all humans regardless of culture, language, religion, age or gender with the highest level of respect and offer access to Naad Yoga detached from cultural or religious ties.

In our practice we adhere to the original and correct pronunciation of the Gurmukhi texts from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib to our best knowledge and ability, in order to pass on its wisdom faithfully.

In all interpretations of compositions which are based on texts from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, we adhere to the Raags (musical and emotional characters) prescribed in the title, which we consider to play an essential role in the virtue of the composition.

By using the traditional Sikh instruments in our own practice, we contribute to the revival of these special yogic tools created by the Sikh Gurus.


As an association we provide a platform for Naad Yoga Teachers and Therapists who meet these quality standards and who therefore teach and practice under the Naad Yoga Council Seal.