Sharing is caring and those who care about helping themselves discover Naad Yoga to master the rythm of their mind and turn mindfulness to happiness. Actually.
Mehar Kaur
+ 33 781217046
Course locations:
Dhombres et de Lumières
103, rue du Connetable
60500 Chantilly
Centre Yoga Paris
7 Cr de la Frm Saint-Lazare,
75010 Paris
Hatha Yoga Coye
10 Rue de Luzarches
60580 Coye-la-Forêt
Freedom to trust
• Physicist by training
• Sustainability Consultant
• Naad Yogi since 2012
• Naad Yoga teacher
• Naad Yoga workshops, courses and concerts
• Sound Therapy
• Married, two children
Life is full of wonder stumbles. Unlocking them is our learning path. I found out, crossing continents and cultures, that there is a simple way: listen to that, that belongs to all of them and none. When yoga crossed my path again, beyond the hatha of my early age, I encountered mantr’. Mantr’, in a language, so distant from my mind, and yet so near, that I knew it in an instant. Mantr’ travels heart to heart, a legacy of humans that have lived their inner song, fully unobstructed. The Gurmukh poem sung “simare”, and somehow, through a veil of tears reached a primal memory. I felt my prison melting and knew that part of me has always been and always will be. Work, commitments, family and friends are the school of life, to grow the mastery and knowledge, that come through Naad. Always within reach, all you need is courage to overcome yourself. No shadow can be faced in solitude. Embracing the endeavors of a teacher, I share Naad Yoga so others may find peace and guidance in their inner realms. As awareness grows, so do I, with gratitude.
In the longest nights of winter finding jewels in your mind,
Tinkling softly as your inner talk unfolds inside.
As guiding stars, among your words of wisdom, pain and courage,
Words of freedom, trust and love,
From the temple of your heart to the kingdom of your mind,
Spread their wings and sing,
as ancient yogic teachings take shape and meaning in your life.
What you live is what you learn. Through the yogic art of music, let soul and mind agree.
Love has no end. Join hands and voice – sail free.
Mehar Kaur
Meet Mehar Kaur
My Courses
Regular Events
Individual Counselling
Naad Yoga Coaching for those willing to grow and get in touch with themselves
Naad Yoga Teacher Training – together with Yogi of Sound Professor Surinder Singh, starting on October 22nd 2023 in Chantilly near Paris and online (French)
More information and registration: