My vision is to use Naad Yoga in everyday life. You learn how you can use these techniques to strengthen and transform yourself at any time.
Wiebke Prakash Kaur Höljes
Course location:
Yoga Deva
Karlstrasse 119
76135 Karlsruhe
Yoga Deva
I start to smile. Let’s go. ☺
• Graphic designer / visual communication
• Naad Yogi since 2007
• Naad Yoga teacher and Teacher Trainer
• Sound Therapist Tutor
• Married to Pritam and mother of the 4-year-old Julian Puneet
Some time during my graphic design studies in Karlsruhe I stood in my yellow painted kitchen and I suddenly thought: “All enlightenment, all quests for truth have their origin in the EMOTIONS. To understand and express every one of my feelings is the real key for One-ness.“
A little later, in 2007, I met Yogi Professor Surinder Singh in a Naad Yoga Workshop and I was so deeply touched. THIS IS IT – what I was searching for. To be able to SING my emotions. ☺ And to find such a wonderful teacher who speaks to my heart.
Now, 12 years later, Naad Yoga has become an important part of my life and a beautiful way to get to know myself, to make deep friendship within me and become real and authentic. I am very happy to share these experiences in courses and workshops, to support Naad Yoga Council and to create a space to explore sound, voice and mood.
Meet Prakash Kaur
Prakash sings Raag Asa
My Courses
Weekly Courses
Glücksmoment, every Tuesday, 20 – 21:30 pm (German time)
Magic Communication, every Thursday, 20:00 – 21:30 pm (German time)
Individual Counselling
Naad Yoga Sound Therapy as your individual time that is strengthening, transforming and inspiring
Naad Yoga Coaching for people who are looking for and want to live in their true strength
Sound Therapist – together with Yogi of Sound Professor Surinder Singh, starting in April 2021 in Karlsruhe
10/11 April 2021
15/16 May 2021
19/20 June 2021
24/25 July 2021
25/26 September 2021
16/17 October 2021
13/14 November 2021
11/12 Dezember 2021
15/16 Januar 2022
More information and registration: