As an association we offer various course series on different topics, which can be booked or run in cooperation with other institutions. In these courses we focus on particular Naad Yoga topics and present them in coherent workshops customised to the respective interests.
We look forward to cooperating with yoga centres, companies, educational institutions, organisations and open spaces of all kinds who are interested in Naad Yoga and would like to get to know it through one of our courses!
The Masters‘ Path
A Sound Journey
with Harsaran Kaur & Niranjan Kaur (Germany)
Five workshops introducing the philosophy of Nanakian Naad Yoga with interactive exchange, singing and meditation.
Cooperation with yoga centres and centres for spirituality and interreligious exchange.
Practice-oriented mental training for musicians and artists
with Niranjan Kaur (Germany)
Seven workshops with specially tailored techniques for people who face high pressure to perform, demands for perfection and stage fright in their professional lives.
Cooperation with orchestras and theatres as well as universities for music and performing arts.